Contact | I’d Love to Hear From You
Please contact Loyally Healing, I’d love to hear from you. Your thoughts, shares and questions are valued so please drop a note using the form below.
A Little About Loyally Healing
As a life-long learner, I’ve always been a discovery, DIY type learner that keeps seeking knowledge. Loyally Healing was created to share all the ‘things’ that I find, love and do. I figure that if I’m curious others probably are too.
Healthy Living and Ageing
Different wellness protocols for daily living are of particular interest: Running, yoga, DIY massage, skincare and energy work. There are affiliate links in the articles and the shop page but that does not cost extra to the readers. It helps Loyally Healing move forward.
My Journey
Healing my heart and developing into a totally free human continues to be my journey. I give distance Reiki healing to others because I can.
Everyday, Normal Lifestyle
I truly hope you enjoy Loyally Healing and come back often. If you’d like to subscribe, I send a newsletter on the 11th day of the month. I also share a daily quote on the Loyally Healing Facebook page and my lifestyle journey on the Loyally Healing Instagram page. When you like and share the messages on social media, the universe takes it where it needs to go. You just never know who it will touch. Love that–don’t you?
Communication is welcome. I give Reiki love freely. I believe love is the answer.
Enjoy your journey, Heather
Please Contact Loyally Healing, I’d Love to Hear From You!