Is adult coloring simply nostalgia? Or can it serve a greater purpose? Scientific studies aside, if it makes you happy, do it! If it doesn’t, don’t! I know that coloring helps me get out of my head—tune out the noise within and around me. And with all the adult coloring books on the shelf, it is clearly a trend.
What does Coloring Do for Adults?
There is something to be said about disconnecting from the chaos and engaging in a simple task. The mindfulness of adult coloring can help center your moods and relieve anxious thoughts. Your thoughts control your actions. If you can understand why you feel as you do, you have a better chance of controlling the resulting emotion. Coloring slows you down giving introspective space to a process. This can be a powerful time to let go of the thoughts that tangle your emotions.
In an important place of my journey, I was introduced to the magic of the Mandala losing myself in the serenity of the quiet moments of coloring. In the beginning, I spent hours in my personal space engaged mindlessly shading and blending. The internal dialogue–brain chatter quieted through the simple process of choosing how to color the next flower or shape resulting in a sense of inner peace.
How is a Mandala Different from Adult Coloring?
Adult coloring books are wonderful, but the Mandala has a greater purpose. It is a magic circle: A symbol for the wholeness between man, nature, and universe. This essence is most commonly represented as a geometric shape, and its energy is spiritual.
The process of creating the Mandala quiets the mind, so it can let go of negative or hurtful attachments. When actively engaging with the circle, your mind is creating a universal connection of balance and healing. Releasing everyday stress allows one to slow down both mentally and physically, and embrace a peaceful sense of quiet.
Why Should You Release the Art?
With hours invested in each page, it might be hard to believe that the value is actually the process rather than the end product. In fact, this has become part of my regular stress release. Some like to save, date and journal the pages, but I prefer to let them go with the emotions they carry.
Releasing the art is a choice based on the traditions of the monk. The monks view it as letting go of an attachment to the material world. Or in modern terms, letting go of the chaos that plagues your mind. So, just as the monks sweep the sand of their design into the ocean, I let go by giving my design to fire in the moonlight. The visualization of the flame taking what no longer serves me is a final release of the emotions processed. It might seem extreme, but it’s almost like a ceremony that has served me well for big issues.
Regardless, whether the adult coloring page has flowers or a symmetric Mandala designs, all that really matters is how it makes you feel. Will it improve your mood and release anxiety? That depends on a lot of different variables. I can promise this, however, you will never know if you don’t try it.
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