Are you curious about affiliate links? Basically, they finance my blog! This is how it works.
Being an affiliate means that I work with a certain set of specific companies–such as Bluehost and ShareASale–to advertise on my blog. I am given a tracking link, that when a potential buyer clicks through on that link and makes the purchase, I am given a small percentage of the end cost.
No Extra Cost to You
I need you to know that if you click through my link, no extra cost will be added to your final price just because I get a kick back. In fact, in many cases, you’ll probably get a discount for clicking through my link.
Your Choice
Choosing to click through my link to purchase a product is completely up to you. I would never manipulate you into buying something with false statements.
Now if you have any other questions about affiliate links or how to become an affiliate, let me know. I’ll be glad to answer!
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