Like most people around my age, I am looking for the fountain of youth. With all the lumps, wrinkles and issues that come with age, it seems like a logical question to ask, ‘does blasting fascia really work?’ If this connective tissue–fascia– runs throughout our body connecting and separating, it makes sense that it would carry the brunt of our habits, hardships and heredity. So yes, I’m going to try it and see for myself.
Taking a Look Myself
As soon as I heard about the Ashley Black Experience and her blasting tools, I was intrigued and looked for more information. I reviewed the website and read all the testimonials. And yes, I read the random reviews too.
For me, it was a simple decision that went something like this… Everything I’m reading makes logical sense. Although I eat right and run, I still have areas that aren’t toned. I think the tools and protocols can help. So why not give it a try?
My First Order
My first kit included Ashley Black’s book The Cellulite Myth: It’s Not Fat, It’s Fascia. So naturally, the first thing I did was read it cover-to-cover. This quick read transformed my ideas about toning and deep tissue care. It offered a validation that there are natural means to subcutaneous fat reduction. And it provided lots to think about like autoimmune disease and the toxins in our bodies.
Because I want to age gracefully without invasive procedures or biological toxins, I’m committed to natural alternatives such as the blasting process. I’ll be blasting five days a week for at least three months before I evaluate my before and after pictures. So until then, here’s two key questions that I searched. Phoenix, San Diego and Santa Monica women are using the FasicaBlaster to eliminate cellulite.
Phoenix, San Diego and Santa Monica women are using the FasicaBlaster to eliminate cellulite.
While I Wait for My Initial Results
Two popular questions are asked regarding these blasting tools and protocols. This is what I found.
Does blasting fascia really work?
Is it a magic pill, a click of the fingers solution? No! The use of the FasciaBlaster® devices requires a consistent commitment over a period of time before any results are seen. In fact, according to peer reviewed and published research, using the blasting tools and fascia manipulation techniques for three months can reduce subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), and the appearance of cellulite.
As with any type of habit or lifestyle change, it needs to be consistent and long term or it is not going to work. In addition to this study, there are also several testimonials with before and after pictures. So, it is a fair assessment to say that it does indeed work for individuals committed to the process. Perhaps, it is also fair to say that some will not have dramatic results, but small results are still changes.
Does the FasciaBlaster® get rid of cellulite?
There’s a difference between ‘get rid’ and reduce. But yes, the manipulation of the fascia helps breakdown the clumpy-lumpy areas over a period of time. Once again, it is not realistic to expect this one tool to change a lifetime of connective tissue damage. Better food choice and regular exercise habits in conjunction with using the fascia tools will produce better results.
We all have different body types and genetics so there isn’t a one size fits all answer to this question. However, doesn’t it stand to reason that the manipulation of the lumpy tissue will reduce it? With this said, it does reduce the appearance of cellulite of a lot of people.
Where Do We Go From Here
At this point, I’m new to the Ashley Black Experience, but I’m already sold. In fact, I’m confident that I will see a difference in my problem areas and look forward to sharing my FasciaBlaster® experience with you.
If you’d like to try it too, click this link for all the details.