Oh yes, that poetic fork; it is quite familiar. When you come to the crossroads of life in this ‘what if’ world, does your mind prevent you from following your heart? Faced with this or that, we are making choices constantly, and mostly, out of comfort.
Most of the time when I was faced with choices, my logical mind would pick the familiar path over the one less traveled. After years of analyzing every thought, reflection and decision, it was natural to continue within my mind’s framework of logic. For me, this meant over-analyzing everything that was said verbally and non-verbally. Did this behavior create results that left my heart feeling full? Not really, I felt stuck in a pattern of life’s reruns?
Mind Control Impedes the heart
The mind can create blocks keeping you in a holding pattern of “what if” fear and self-rationalization. Living in the constant framework of “what if” this and that, kept my mind busy with nonexistent fears revealed through senseless chatter. This spiraling negativity kept my heart blocked and my mind full. This control also rationalized my negative behaviors leading me to believe that my actions were warranted. My mind made me blind.
Today, in my current reflective state with the worry and chatter quieted, it has become clear that I took the familiar path because it provided a known pattern of security. However, now I see this old pattern as an illusion blocking my ability to find the true security and freedom of an open heart.
Follow Your Heart
This is not about throwing all caution to the wind. Following your heart is a reminder to slow down, because if you’re going too fast down the road, you can’t read the signs. You know that “gut feeling?” That’s a sign – listen. If something doesn’t feel right, maybe it isn’t. Even if it is your normal. So now, because I stop and listen, my decisions of late are no longer patterns of old, but rather choices that fill my heart. These choices have integrity. This isn’t to say that all of my old decisions didn’t or that the heart and mind can’t agree. It simply means that if you feel trapped in a pattern, perhaps it’s time to let go, stop and listen.
When I found myself through the forest of doubt, it was because I took a riskier path without wear. So, when you’re faced with a choice, remember: the logical mind will pick the familiar path; the heart, however, may not and one should trust and follow. This, my friend, will make all the difference.