3-Acre Garden Space
The garden space at Loyally Healing is three acres of mixed use of fruit trees, vegetables and a variety of plants and flowers. The desert climate is perfect for citrus and pomegranates, and the vegetables do well with the exception of the summer months.
The first pomegranate on the property was planted in 1999, and it is the Wonderful variety. Since that time, we have added several Red pomegranates to our garden space. All of the bushes are producing at this time and are harvested in November.
The oldest citrus trees on the property are the minneolas, limes and lemons. In the next few years the pink grapefruit, clementines and mandarin oranges will produce. This last season we planted blood oranges and plan to add more next spring.
The limes are harvested in September, lemons in January and minneolas in February.
Container Garden
Vegetables and herbs are grown in containers because of the overwhelming weed growth on the property. This controlled environment also works as a natural deterrent for all of the bunnies that visit our yard and the over abundant gopher population. This keeps my food free of toxins and out of reach.
Blessings from my garden space to yours. Heather
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