If you want to change your circumstances in life, guard your mind with positivity. This is crucial to a rock-solid mindset and a happy heart. If it fills your mind, it fills your heart and becomes your thoughts and actions. Because the people around you have a great deal of influence in your environment, it is necessary to prune the negative vibes out of your life, and focus on being the best version of you.
Energy Vampires
Negative energy drains can be media, people and all kinds of variations of the same. Be aware of television viewing and social media scrolling. You have absolute control over how much TV you watch and who you allow on your Facebook timeline. Use it.
Sometimes these Debbie Downers are family members or others that are in your close circle. It can really hurt to create distance, but eliminating or limiting associations with negativity is key when you want to guard your mind. If you don’t like who you are when you’re around that person, it is time to let them go.
In all fairness, is it possible that you are the energy vampire? I know this because I once was. This vampire sucks the positivity out of a room, a conversation and all situations. This person is a taker not a giver. What does this look like? When this person walks into the room, you have an instant feeling of flight response. If people react this way to you, maybe you’re the vampire. That’s something to think about.
If you know that you’ve been quick to go negative, it’s up to you to decide if you want change. You cannot change another person, but you can influence them through your positive improvement. It takes work and development to evolve. However, I know it is possible because I’ve done it.
The Law of Attraction
You become what you think about. What you think about you bring about. What you focus on grows. PERIOD. And this my friends is The Secret. Human beings are incredibility powerful. We can think ourselves sick, and we can think ourselves well. “I’m not getting sick. I don’t have time for that.” Or how about when your day starts badly and everything continues to fall apart, it is fair to say that your focus has been on ‘what else can go wrong’ or ‘this day is terrible’?
This type of stink’n thinking is the universe giving you more of what you’re focusing on. Thus, angry people attract angry, unhappy people. If you think that you are going to fail, guess what? You are. ‘It’s not going to work.’ Yep, you’re right. You must have unwavering positivity about your outcomes to guard your mind
You cannot climb with heavy baggage. And by baggage—the thoughts of others, nasty engagements and letting people defer you from your goals and aspirations. Nobody has the right to stop you from your greatness, so don’t give them permission to do so. You are the one looking in the mirror; your thoughts about you matter and nobody else’s.
Armor of Love and Integrity
Affirmations help guard your mind. Challenge yourself to create ten power statements that you repeat daily. These statements are ‘I am’ messages that should be posted and read out loud. They solidify who you are regardless of what your day brings. Finishing ‘I am…’ with your self-descriptors might look like these: Worthy, enough, loyal, loving, a great friend, intelligent, a wonderful spouse, and so on. This exercise provides you with an armor of love and resilience.
Comparison is the enemy, and it breeds jealousy. You simply cannot compare your chapter two to someone else’s chapter ten. You have no idea what that person went through to get where they are. And quite frankly, other people are beyond your circle of control, so why focus on it? You will get there when you are ready. We are unique individuals with different challenges, and some of us need to do a lot of work before we are ready for chapter ten.
Stop justifying your failures as being a result of someone else’s success. There is plenty of room for everyone’s success. If you feel stuck, ask yourself what you need to learn? Let go of? This reflection will better serve you than comparison. Be unstoppable and unapologetic in all of your endeavors. Celebrate all of your little successes on your journey, and stay in our own lane. All of this is within your circle of control.
Remember that you are who you hang out with. So, surround yourself with people that push you to be the best version of you. If you operate with integrity and do all things with love and compassion, your personal power will shine. You are love and light and are worth more than you think.