The holiday season is here and it’s time to share some cheer! Here’s 6 easy DIY gifts for the holidays. Gifts from the heart are always well received. But, here’s the thing, they don’t need to be handmade. They can be uniquely packaged for the same kind of effect.
Are you trying to get away from the expense of gifting and the cycle of returning? DIY6 Easy DIY Gifts for the Holidays gift ideas are not expensive, and there’s lots of them. Personalizing the ideas for your special list is fun too. So, check out these awesome DIY gifts, and let me know what you think!
Holiday Slipper Fun
Slippers are right up there with a tie for Dad—boring! Nevertheless, this is a great time of year to replace slippers, and the floor is cold. So, why not have some fun with it? Fill the slippers with personalized goodies. Perhaps a pedicure set with polish, favorite candy, hemp lotion or silly socks will do the trick.
Mixed Nut Jar
Anyone can create a jar of mixed nuts! But, be sure that it is a special mix. The pre-mixed versions are not my favorite because they usually have a lot of cheap peanut filler. Another reason to mix your own is flavor like unsalted, roasted, honey and so forth. There are probably several people on your list that use natural cashews, almonds and pecans as snacks for their meal plan. And several others that want chocolate added!
Personalized Spa Care
Hands down my favorite thing to give! I love CBD bath bombs and therapeutic essential oils and use them daily. So, during the holidays, personalized spa care boxes or stockings are my go-to DIY gift. Because I buy the bath bombs in a package of six and the essential oils in multiples, creating six luxury spa gifts is a snitch!
Burlap Bags
The DIY burlap bag is easy, creative and fun! Pre-made bags are usually available at most craft stores. So, all you need to do is add a festive ribbon and fill! Whether you want to add wine or small treats, the bags add a unique touch to your gift. Now, if you’re really creative or want to save a lot of money, burlap is available by the yard. Imagine how creative you can get making your own!
Cup O’Goodness
For people who love the comfort and coziness of candles, hot tea, coffee, and so forth, this is a great DIY present. On the scale of easy, this is the easiest. Just fill the cup with a sample of several flavors or add a candle. There’s lots of room for themed cups too!
Share a Treat and Give the Recipe
Everyone loves a great treat! Share a favorite muffin or treat recipe with a bag full of samples–of course! If you love to bake during the holiday season, this DIY gifts like this are a great way to share. In the event the recipe is top secret, a heartfelt holiday message works. Don’t cook? It’s a little more expensive, but you can gift a bakery treat with a special message too!
Whether you want to save money or you want to make something homemade, these DIY gift ideas will most likely create smiles. There’s simply nothing better than something from the heart. And, they’re just plain easy. So give them a try and make it your own this holiday season.
If you have any questions or ideas for DIY Christmas presents, drop us a note!
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